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    Main » 2015 » June » 30 » Apollo 14
    7:48 PM
    Apollo 14
    Attractiepark Slagharen


    Apollo 14 was a ferris-wheel carrousel made by Schwarzkopf. The ride was located near the other ride with similar looks. Apollo. The other one is still operating in the park today. The ride was located in the park untill the 1992 season. Apollo 14 moved to the park Dreamland for the 1992 season, and has been rebuilt to a swinger (similar to Apollo) for the 1993 season. It was there called Heatwave.

    The ride was originally intended as a transportable ride for the funfairs. But building the rides took too much time, and was very expensive to travel with the rides. So Attractiepark Slagharen bought the 2 rides to put them in their park.


     Did you know:
    That many people remember this ride from the time they were young? It is still unknown why Slagharen decided to remove the ride. Probably because of the lack on support with technical issues.

    - Popularity Attraction
    This attraction was popular.

    - Waiting Times
    The waiting time was between 10 and 20 minutes.

    - Theming attraction
    The attraction was themed to a meteorite. With some twisting space shuttles around it. However it was good themed, and very well done. It didn't fit by the parks theme.

    - Riding Time
    The riding time was about 2 minutes.

    - Disordering of attraction
    This attraction was always open.

    ''One of the signature rides moved, and has been rebuilt to a simple waveswinger''

    Category: Dissapeared attractions | Views: 1225 | Added by: africanfreak | Tags: attractiepark, Space, slagharen, Apollo, apollo14, Meteorite, 14, earth, Moon, Shuttle | Rating: 0.0/0
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