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    Main » 2015 » June » 30 » Cakewalk
    8:38 PM
    Attractiepark Slagharen


    Cakewalk was a simple funfair ride in Attractiepark slagharen. The exact location is unkown in the park. But we do know that it was located near Rupsbaan.

    The ride had moving bridges, obstacles and some slides. It was your job to complete the trail trough the moving objects. The ride was indoor, so even with bad weather it was possible to have fun in this Cakewalk ride.


     Did you know:
    That this ride was a simple funfair ride? Probably the reason of deleting this ride was it's low popularity. Most of the visitors would do a ride like this on the funfair.

    - Popularity Attraction
    This attraction was not popular.

    - Waiting Times
    The waiting time was between 0 and 5 minutes.

    - Theming attraction
    The attraction was not themed actually. The whole ride was in a tent, and probably had the same (few) paintings as a normal funfair ride. It was however nicely painted in bright yellow and red...

    - Riding Time
    The riding time was as long as you needed. This could be 3 minutes, but could also be 10 minutes.

    - Disordering of attraction
    This attraction was always open.

    ''The most simple ride of the park has made room for something else''

    Category: Dissapeared attractions | Views: 469 | Added by: africanfreak | Tags: House, slagharen, indoor, attractiepark, fun, Park, attractie, Cakewalk, Cake, Walk | Rating: 0.0/0
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