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    Main » 2015 » June » 30 » Calypso
    9:21 PM
    Attractiepark Slagharen


    Calypso was a Calypso ride in Attractiepark slagharen. It was an outdoor ride with small roofs. The ride is about turning around an spinning. A real family ride that is not too intense. The ride was located near the old Autoscooter, and was a popular ride. When it was getting old it was replaced by a new, selfbuilt Calypso named Rodeo Rider. This one also has been removed.

    The ride also had a location near the bumperboat ride Botsboten Bassin. It changed from locations during the years, and also it's style has changed slightly. The old location it was pretty simple without theming. Later it did get new paintings, and some theming was added in the form of lights, and paintings on the floor.


     Did you know:
    That this was a real 70 & 80's ride? Probably that is the reason why there is no calypso in the park anymore.

    - Popularity Attraction
    This attraction was popular.

    - Waiting Times
    The waiting time was between 5 and 10 minutes.

    - Theming attraction
    The attraction was not themed actually. But the ride had nice bright colors, as you could expect by a calypso. And also some little decorations were added. However, the simple funfair calypso had the same decorations.

    - Riding Time
    The riding time was somewhere between the 2 an 3 minutes.

    - Disordering of attraction
    This attraction was always open.

    ''This classic calypso ride has been replaced by a new and more unique calypso ride''

    Category: Dissapeared attractions | Views: 486 | Added by: africanfreak | Tags: breakdance, slagharen, draai, attractiepark, Park, attractie, Calypso, molen | Rating: 0.0/0
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