The ride Lunic was a kind of carrousel around an object in the middle. It was lifted up and down during the ride.
The ride was pretty big for a simple ride, it had 2 big pillars in the middle. It was opened in 1974. Later it has been removed, probably because it was an expensive ride, which had not very much extra than a regular carrousel.
Did you know:
That this ride is the only one of it's kind ever in a dutch themepark? Slagharen had more unique rides during it's best years.
- Popularity Attraction
This attraction was popular, but not popular enough.
- Waiting Times
The waiting time was between 0 and 5 minutes.
- Theming attraction
The attraction was slightly themed with some lights and 4 colored cars. They were painted in green, blue, red and yellow.
- Riding Time
The riding time was probably about 2 minutes.
- Disordering of attraction
This attraction was always open.
''The lunic was an unique ride, with many children memories. But it had not a long life''