Apollo is temporarily closed, the ride is nearly to the end of it's life, but the park said that they have green light for a very big renovation. It will reopen in the 2015 season, and can turn around for many years.
Apollo is a strange and very big wave swinger. It is a big moon that turns around, and you flow very low over the plants and floor. Fun guaranteed. This is a very cool wave swinger, you may not miss this one.
A lot of years ago there was a second apollo. It was a big one, just like this but with small ferris wheels on the sides. It was made to travel on the fairs. But it was just way too big and too intensive to build these rides up so Slagharen have bought them. Only this apollo does work now.
Did you know:
That this Apollo is a unique Schwarzkopf ride? There is only one of this working in the world The other one is not working, and is also not a wave swinger.
- Popularity Attraction
This attraction is popular.
- Waiting Times
The waiting lines are here 5 minutes.
- Theming attraction
The attraction is themed to a moon.
- Riding Time
The riding time is unkown by us, we think it is 1 or 2 minutes.
- Disordering of attraction
This attraction is always open.