In this cute little museum you will find a lot of old items and information about the history of the efteling. Masks, animatronics, maps, actually everything.
There is a part with old items, a part about fairytales and drawings about the park, and a part where is always an other theme. mostly about an attraction with a jubileum.
Did you know:
That one side of this museum has the name ''wonder depot'' it leads into the same building.
- Popularity Attraction
This attraction is not really popular. Only with bad wheater it could be overcrowded. The most of the guests don't know that you can see intresting items inside. But lucky enough: you can walk very good here with that low popularity, take a look.
- Waiting Times
There is no waiting time, just walk into the building and look out your eyes. You can stay as long as you want.
- Theming attraction
There is no attraction better themed than this, it is a museum about the historic of the park. And what you think, is what you get.
- Riding Time
There is no riding time.
- Disordering of attraction
This attraction is always open, never closed for disordering.