A recently added ride of Drievliet is Fonteinplein. It is a plain with a lot of fountains. The ground is blue and when you walk trough it some fountain may hit you.
Maybe you can come to the other side without getting wet? It is your own choice! This ride is not themed, but the location is pretty nice, and the blue floor makes it a part of Lol Atol.
Did you know:
That Drievliet built this ride to have something new without wasting the space in the park? There was a plain here already, and they used it for fountains.
- Popularity Attraction
This attraction is popular with warm weather.
- Waiting Times
There is no waiting time here.
- Theming attraction
The attraction is not themed, but the location is quite good.
- Riding Time
The riding time is as long as you want to stay.
- Disordering of attraction
This attraction is always open.