these white boats (40 boats) travel trough the lake. you will see water, nature, plants, ducks... many things.
The ride is 20 minutes, and a great idea to eat your bread. This ride is a great restless ride in the sun. but in the winter it is way to long and to cold.
It is a really slow and long ride, you travel beside pagode, the traptreintjes, and de vliegende hollander. At the end of the ride you could be lucky to see the steamtrain, you also see the plain with vogelrok and carnaval festival. In the winter some of the boats are replaced by blue fishes.
Did you know:
in 2006 some teenagers were rocking in the boat. with as effect that it did go down. the attraction stopped immediately, because there is a life danger when you are in the water. when you see people doing this, you may say that to the people who work here.
- Popularity Attraction
It is popular in the summer, in the winter not. but you will never find a long waiting line.
- Waiting Times
5 to 10 minutes is the average waiting time.
- Theming attraction
this attraction is not really themed, it is especially the nature, and that nature is beautiful. but some years ago it was beautifuller.
- Riding Time
The riding time is 20 minutes.
- Disordering of attraction
This attraction is always open. in the winter, in the evening hours, it is closed...