This monorail is themed to snails and goes trough and beside houses in the village of the laven. You meet some characters, but can also enjoy the nature in the village, and relax. Every snail has its own name. it begins always with a L, and then 2 other letters. Like ''Lot, Lel, Lol, Lef, Luf''
A car on the monorail at one thirth of the ride.
The dissapointing point is the long time to wait when you can get out. there are a lot of snails waiting at the end to come in the station. But it is not a very big problem, you can talk that time about the ride you had a few seconds ago!
An onride of Slakken monorail over themed area Volk van Laaf.
Did you know:
When opened the cars had a cycle system, you had to do the whole track (then even longer!) in your own.
Because it was really hard, and a lot of people get stucked after a while it has been removed and automatisized. The track is even shorter. That is why there are so many snails waiting at the end of the ride.
- Popularity Attraction
There is a big change you would not find a big waiting line here in the periode from november till may.
But between may and october it is very populair. It is hard to decide, but we think that 7 will be the right choice.
- Waiting Times
The waiting lines are very different, sometimes 10 seconds, sometimes 15 minutes.
The average waiting time must be 5 minutes!
- Theming attraction
The monorail goes trough the village which did get a 10 star rating. BUT, you can see the streets, the backstage grounds from this attraction. That is not a very nice view. the theming will be 8 stars, which is still quite high.
- Riding Time
The riding time is 5 minutes.
- Disordering of attraction
This attraction could be closed for maintenace. This will never be a long time. Mostly it is open.
10 stars from us.