That you don't need to built a custom coaster with huge stats to give your visitors a great ride has been proved by Toverland. With their expansion ''De magische vallei'' in 2013 they built a new Roller coaster, which actually opened a few months earlier in 2012. The ride is a standard layout spinning coaster built by Mack rides. The ride will blow everyone from their seats. Well, Toverland did it with their great landscaping and a soundtrack that fits perfectly for this ride. That makes it an epic spinning coaster. Nobody did expect that!
The ride is still pretty young, and the green around the ride needs time to grow, but we know that the ride will be more epic over several years. The power in the coaster, the spins and the epic music makes it a great experience in this park. The ride has some great curves, and the station is themed very nicely! The soundtrack has a catchy tune so you won't forget this ride pretty fast. The ride is 500 meter long, and is 20 meter high. With a top speed of 70 kilometer per hour you will spin around in this great family coaster.
Did you know:
That the name of the coaster caused some problems by the dutch public? The name ''Dwervelwind'' has 2 ways to read. one is d' wervelwind (dutch for the whirlwind) which could be better written as ''De wervelwind'' or simply ''Wervelwind'' But that would make the name too simple. Also the folks in this themed area are called Dwervels. making it ''Dwervel wind'' That doesn't make many sense to the theme of the coaster. But nowadays the dutch fans accepted the name, and it is pretty good to prenounce it. Just Dwervelwind!
- Popularity Attraction
This ride is very popular in the park. it has a great capacity so the second trains should almost never be used, but in the future Toverland will need the second train!
- Waiting Times
The waiting times can be variating much trough the day, from 5 minutes into 25 minutes or longer. They won't put up a second train by that long waiting lines because it can be 5 minutes long after 15 minutes... With adding a train they will make the waiting line back to 0 minutes... with 2 trains... That's not good for the power costs. When the ride is constantly overcrowded they start riding with 2 trains.
- Theming attraction
The ride is themed to the theme area ''Magische vallei'' The station is very nicely done with the roof, and the outside of the building. The ride is not themed, but is supposed to be very green, and rush trough the plants and trees. Well, they are there, but they need to grow now! Over a few years it is really a good themed coaster trough the plants, for now it is just the half. We still say 7 stars!
- Riding Time
The riding time is 1 minute and 32 seconds.
- Disordering of attraction
This ride is almost always open, but in the winter with the frost the ride is closed.