Klimhoed is one of the first attractions you will see when entering the park. It is a standard playground item which is mostly calles vulcano or climbing vulcano. This one is themed to the hat of Toos, the mascotte op the park a little witch. There is a blue part, followed by black with some stars. At the top is a entrance to the yellow slide.
Klimhoed was also one of the first rides being built in Toverland. It is located in building 1 ''Land van Toos'' This is also the building where it all started. Toverland started as an indoor park, so the entrance is here, and many other rides like the indoor coaster Boomerang. Later the park started expanding with an other building and some rides outdoor. Klimhoed is still one of the more popular climbing areas of the park.
Did you know:
Klimhoed is located right on the front of the souvenirshop? Earlier there was a theatre here, just a few minutes before the show started this ride was overloaded with the kids.
- Popularity Attraction
This ride is really popular by the kids, sometimes it is very overcrowded.
- Waiting Times
There is no waiting time for this ride, just climb on when the kids want.
- Theming attraction
The ride is themed to the hat of Toos. It is not very special, and the area around it is also not themed. Not very special, but okay for a standard ride like this.
- Riding Time
The riding time is as long as you want, getting up and sliding down one time will take about 1 or even 5 minutes (depends on the skills) children like to repeat climbing, so they can last there for a really long time.
- Disordering of attraction
This ride is always open.