A small waterplayground near Octowuzzy. It is located on the earlier location of the bigger Octowuzy part. The location is near a foodspot, so you can take some french fries, while the kids are playing with water!
The ride is located on the sand, so there is a possibillity that the sand has been changed into water, and the water to play with is actually changed into sand... making the ride unusuable.
Did you know:
That this small playground has the longest name for a ride of the park? Just like all the other fantasy rides in the park the names are so long that kids won't even be able to say the names.
- Popularity Attraction
This attraction is popular by the kids.
- Waiting Times
There are no waiting lines here.
- Theming attraction
This attraction is themed as a playground with some fantasy landscaping.
- Riding Time
The riding time is as long as the kids want.
- Disordering of attraction
This attraction is most of the time open.